28 Days Later Film Title

28 Days Later is a 2002 British post-apocalyptic horror movie. It is one of my favorite movies, but it doesn't have an opening credits sequence, so I decided to create one. 2021

28 Days Later Film Title

I wanted this project to focus on illustration, as it is something that I don’t incorporate too often into my work. I took small moments from the film (whether they were important to the storyline, were iconic shots, or not important at all) and used it to introduce the story.

The movie was filmed using a Canon XL1 and was purposefully designed to appear low quality as an aesthetic choice of Danny Boyle.

I wanted to keep that appearance in my project, so I hand drew each “scene” while trying to keep a loose feel to it. I also added rough textures and an “old TV” look to the whole piece.

I also used a modified version John Murphy’s In the House, In a Heartbeat as the soundtrack for the piece, as that song is considered to be the “theme” of the franchise.


SXSW Band Posters


(Draft) Antoinette